The Danish OR Society supports the EURO statement of solidarity with the Ukrainian people:
The Association of European Operational Research Societies (EURO) Executive Committee and its Council stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine and support the democratically elected Government of Ukraine and their territorial sovereignty. We join institutions and leaders from across Europe in condemning in the strongest terms the unjustified attack by Russia on Ukraine and the violation of international law. While we watch in horror at this disregard for democracy and humanity, we hope for a swift and peaceful resolution. Our thoughts and hopes are with everybody affected by the crisis, in particular with our colleagues and their families.
DORS is not a politically active association. Nevertheless, we cannot ignore the current situation in Ukraine and silently accept the Russian invasion.
As further action to the statement from EURO, we would like to encourage all DORS members to boycott conference presentations from researchers associated with Russian and Belarussian institutions and organisations. We also ask you to refrain from attending events and meetings hosted in Russia or Belarus.
Our hearts are with the Ukrainian, Russian and Belarussian people, all of whom are victims of the aggressive actions of the Russian government.